Source: Bristol-Myers Squibb Foundation
Period: November 2016-2018
Role: K. McDonnell, PI
To fulfill this project objective, our research team has developed a statewide network of clinical, community, and congregational stakeholders interested in lung cancer, the Partners in Quality Lung Cancer Survivorship, or “PIQ,” which seeks to maximize community involvement and build capacity for survivorship care support services.
We have also collected data from the 16 cancer centers/programs in SC that are accredited by the American College of Surgeons (ACOS) Commission on Cancer (CoC), congregations across the state, and patients with lung cancer and their family members.
PIQ members have met to discuss key lung cancer survivorship priorities, review data, and make recommendations for future strategic initiatitves. Specific PIQ member responsibilities include:
(1A) Assist with the development of a statewide clinical and social support service resource directory for lung cancer survivors and family members in South Carolina.
(1B) Identify barriers that prevent access to clinical and social support service development, utilization,and sustainability.
(1C) Develop a strategic plan that includes key lung cancer survivorship priorities and recommendations for future action in order to advocate and improve access to needed survivorship support services.
Visit the PIQ Toolbox to learn more about our stakeholders and review documents and materials used in our strategic planning process. Contact us if you’d like to learn how you can assist our PIQ Network.